In exigency of service and pursuant to DPO No. 335-03 dated October 01, 2003, as amended by DPO No. 562 dated November 10, 2016, issued by the Secretary of Finance, and in view of the representation made by Hon. Hector Reuel D. Pascua and per Indorsement of the Provincial Treasurer, Atty. Julaida Caddawan-Pancho, Mr. MICHAEL C. VILLANUEVA, Licensing Office IV, Provincial Treasury Office, PLGU-Apayao is hereby designated as the OIC Municipal Treasurer of Pudtol from August 10, 2022 to February 09, 2023 unless sooner revoked. This is in view of the emergency sick leave of Mrs. Irene C. Balangatan, Municipal Treasurer.
The turn-over of office was held yesterday August 10, 2022 at the Muncipal Treasury Office. The event was supervised by the Provincial Treasurer, Atty. Julaida Caddawan-Pancho, Provincial Auditor, Sanny C. Makin and their staffs. Present also is the Local Chief Executive, Hon. Hector Reuel D. Pascua together with the department heads of the MLGU-Pudtol.
MLGU-Pudtol would also like to thank PLGU-Apayao for allowing Mr. Villanueva to be designated as the OIC-Municipal Treasurer. We also pray for the fast recovery of Mrs. Irene Balangatan.