Last December 3, 2022, the Municipality of Pudtol celebrated its 66th Founding Anniversary, at the Elias K. Bulut (EKB) Gymnasium and Multi-purpose Building, Poblacion, Pudtol, Apayao with the theme Pudtol CARES (Celebrating past accomplishments, accelerating future plans and Revitalizing present innovations towards Excellence in the delivery of Services).

The celebration was highlighted by a thanks giving mass and simple program in the morning where Municipal Mayor Hector Reuel D. Pascua delivered his State of the Municipality Address (SOMA).

In his SOMA he acknowledged the different achievements of the past leaders of Pudtol and their contributions to the development of the municipality. In his speech he also thanked the different departments and offices of the MLGU, PLGU, and the different National Line Agencies in providing the municipality with support programs and projects that also contributed in the resiliency and progress of the municipality despite all the problems and challenges the municipality has encountered through the years.

Another highlight activity is the awarding of the AMPAYAG SERVICE AWARDS to the different pioneer personnel of MLGU -Pudtol with atleast 15 years of service.